Make Your Money
Start investing with foresight.
Before buying stocks, see the risks.
See your investments’ risk & future
value right before buying.

Grow wealth wiser.
Discover your next best investment
by swiping personalized stocks.

Start learning & comparing stocks
by the ease of animated visuals.

Anywhere. Anytime.

One App — Everything You Need To Invest
Looking for inspiration to begin a portfolio?
Like to know the strengths of a stock?
Animated visuals help you compare similar stocks.
Curious about your investments' future?
Want to grow wealth wisely?
Spread risk, buy slices of Tesla, Bitcoin & thousands of assets from €1.
Already Own Stocks?
Try Astro to see your portfolio risk, health & likely future value.
Pick Your Perfect Wealth Plan
Start growing your money wiser. No commitments. Cancel anytime, and go Light.
Investments' Risk & Future Value
Personalized Asset Discovery
Animated & Visual Learning
Asset Classes
Asset Coverage
Monthly Saving Plan
Commission Fee per Trade
Zero Fee Rolling Trading Limit
Other Fees
The Small Print
Stocks, ETFs & Cryptocurrencies
Portfolio/Individual Assets
No subscription, but you pay a flat 0.25% commission fee per trade.
Stocks, ETFs & Cryptocurrencies
Portfolio/Individual Assets
Free for 1 month, then €7 per month after. *A 0.25% commission fee applies per trade after reaching your rolling monthly limit.
Stocks, ETFs & Cryptocurrencies
Portfolio/Individual Assets
Free for 1 month, then €3 per month after. *A 0.25% commission fee applies per trade after reaching your rolling monthly limit.
Your money & assets are safekept with
top-tier European custodian bank.
See It. Get It. Grow It.
Shopping. Technology. Health. Whatever you're into, Astro is designed to help you succeed in buying stocks, ETFs and cryptocurrencies. Once for the ultra-rich, Astro personalizes eye-opening wealth tools for everyone.
Try Astro's Smart Risk®, Money Feed® and visual learning today to stay one step ahead as you invest.